Submit your PRPs (more than 50,000 digits)

Choose your name...

     or enter it if you are not in the list : (first and last name)

The probable primes you have found :
(please type one number by line using the following format :
number,its number of digits in base 10
and don't type their decimal expansion ;-)

- Double-check the number of digits of your submitted PRPs. You can check on WolframAlpha, or using PFGW (pfgw -od -f0 -q'len(YOUR_NUMBER)').
- Don't submit your numbers twice.
- Don't submit provable prime numbers, i.e. N+1 or/and N-1 is at least 1/3 factorable (Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge primality test).
- Don't submit numbers with more than 100 characters.
Any mistake can cause cancellation of your submission.

Additional comments concerning all those PRPs (sieve limit used, probable tests you have made, in which bases, ...) :

Your e-mail address for a confirmation :
We are facing issues to send e-mails to addresses, but your submission is still taken into account.