PRP Records


$ ./sllr64 -d -t8 -oForcePRP=1 -oFermatPRPtest=1 -oFBase=5 -q"(2^15135397+1)/3"
Starting Fermat PRP test of (2^15135397+1)/3
Using all-complex AVX-512 FFT length 800K, Pass1=1280, Pass2=640, clm=1, 8 threads, a = 5
(2^15135397+1)/3 is a Fermat Probable prime (5-PRP)! (4556209 decimal digits) Time : 10620.433 sec.

$ ./sllr64 -d -t8 -oForcePRP=1 -oFermatPRPtest=1 -oFBase=7 -q"(2^15135397+1)/3"
Starting Fermat PRP test of (2^15135397+1)/3
Using all-complex AVX-512 FFT length 800K, Pass1=1280, Pass2=640, clm=1, 8 threads, a = 7
(2^15135397+1)/3 is a Fermat Probable prime (7-PRP)! (4556209 decimal digits) Time : 10616.433 sec.

$ ./sllr64 -d -t8 -oForcePRP=1 -oFermatPRPtest=1 -oFBase=11 -q"(2^15135397+1)/3"
Starting Fermat PRP test of (2^15135397+1)/3
Using all-complex AVX-512 FFT length 800K, Pass1=1280, Pass2=640, clm=1, 8 threads, a = 11
(2^15135397+1)/3 is a Fermat Probable prime (11-PRP)! (4556209 decimal digits) Time : 10636.005 sec.

To be completed...

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