PRP Records


Starting probable prime test of 2^174426-9761
Using FMA3 FFT length 18K, Pass1=384, Pass2=48, clm=2, a = 3, L2 = 109*100
2^174426-9761 is base 3-Fermat PRP! (52508 decimal digits) Time : 8.451 sec.
Starting Lucas sequence
Using FMA3 FFT length 18K, Pass1=384, Pass2=48, clm=2, P = 5, Q = 5
2^174426-9761 is Fermat and Lucas PRP, Starting Frobenius test sequence
Using FMA3 FFT length 18K, Pass1=384, Pass2=48, clm=2, Q = 5
2^174426-9761 is Fermat, Lucas and Frobenius PRP! (P = 5, Q = 5, D = 5) Time : 62.048 sec.

To be completed...

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