PRP Records


(2252050^2048+1)/30658561 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1238.130000 seconds)
(3686560^2048+1)/30412801 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (655.720000 seconds)
(3519318^2048+1)/30318593 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1186.240000 seconds)
(3010286^2048+1)/29765633 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (740.750000 seconds)
(2709668^2048+1)/29478913 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1147.510000 seconds)
(2063958^2048+1)/28487681 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (481.050000 seconds)
(2167584^2048+1)/27185153 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (619.320000 seconds)
(115183102^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1315.890000 seconds)
(2393058^2048+1)/26017793 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (632.160000 seconds)
(2247666^2048+1)/25796609 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (612.020000 seconds)

To be completed...

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