PRP Records


PRP value of the Ramanujan Tau function.
Number of the form Tau(p^(q-1)), where p,q are odd primes.

Trial divided up to 3E11.

Checked with PFGW (v3.7.8) in odd prime bases up to 19

lucasU(11892426157508232,983^11,38933) was negative, testing absolute value.
lucasU(11892426157508232,983^11,38933) is 3-PRP! (12066.8313s+0.0403s)
lucasU(11892426157508232,983^11,38933) is 5-PRP! (12079.3659s+0.0403s)
lucasU(11892426157508232,983^11,38933) is 7-PRP! (12063.8568s+0.0401s)
lucasU(11892426157508232,983^11,38933) is 11-PRP! (12062.3607s+0.0407s)
lucasU(11892426157508232,983^11,38933) is 13-PRP! (12065.8348s+0.0401s)
lucasU(11892426157508232,983^11,38933) is 17-PRP! (12056.0888s+0.0404s)
lucasU(11892426157508232,983^11,38933) is 19-PRP! (12057.3664s+0.0402s)

Also checked with Pari/GP (v2.5.5) implementation of BPSW (running time: 147h).

To be completed...

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