PRP Records


(3435868^2048+1)/81694721 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (608.850000 seconds)
(2080752^2048+1)/78053377 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (728.800000 seconds)
(3983532^2048+1)/76640257 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (759.460000 seconds)
(2590946^2048+1)/73695233 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (609.950000 seconds)
(116411904^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1162.730000 seconds)
(116394384^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1194.710000 seconds)
(220078670^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1467.490000 seconds)
(220008622^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1061.760000 seconds)
(116032080^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (-838.777296 seconds)
(115942902^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1032.320000 seconds)

To be completed...

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