PRP Records


(64*10^779465-1)/81 is base 3-Strong Fermat PRP! (779465 decimal digits) Time : 3059.446 sec.
(64*10^779465-1)/81 is strong-Fermat, Lucas and Frobenius PRP!

(64*10^360173-1)/243 is base 3-Strong Fermat PRP! (360173 decimal digits) Time : 558.823 sec.
(64*10^360173-1)/243 is strong-Fermat, Lucas and Frobenius PRP! (P = 4, Q = 2, D = 8) Time : 2337.257 sec.

Tools used: srsieve, LLR; double-checked with PFGW (slow; general FFT)

To be completed...

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