PRP Records


The Minimum MegaPRP.

Projectmanager: Kenneth Egtved Pedersen


Kenneth Egtved Pedersen (Sieved to p=2003542974956722)

Firstpass and secondpass testers:

Kenneth Egtved Pedersen

Patrick De Geest

Peter Kaiser

Software contributors:

Paul Jobling (NewPGen \\\"AP sieve\\\")

Jean Penné (LLR)

Mark Rodenkirch (OpenPFGW)

George Woltman (GWNum libraries used by LLR and PFGW, when PRP testing our



Anand Nair

Kenneth J. Brazier

Phil Moore

The complete dataset wich contains data for all y values, ranging from y=1

to y=593499, can be found at

The PRP was found on December 24th 2012, by Peter Kaiser and was verified by

Kenneth Egtved Pedersen on January 15th 2013 as a base-3 PRP.

On January 15th 2013 our MegaPRP was verified as Strong-Fermat, Lucas and

Frobenius PRP for the bases: 2, 3, 5 and 7

On January 19th 2013 our MegaPRP was verified as Strong-Fermat, Lucas and

Frobenius PRP for the bases: 11 and 13

And finally on January 21st 2013 our MegaPRP was verified as Strong-Fermat,

Lucas and Frobenius PRP for the bases: 17 and 19

This gives a total of 8 different prime-bases that each came back as PRP. So

even though the PRP is not proven-prime, it is very unlikely that our PRP

has a big factor hidden somewhere.

The project manager of \\\"The Minimum MegaPRP search\\\" wishes to thank all who

helped improve the search and make this project succesfull, this fast.

Please note that this PRP is most likely when proven, the smallest possible

prime with exactly 1,000,000 digits, hence the Minimum MegaPRP search has

achieved its goal of searching for and finding the smallest possible


Go to the website to get a full extraction of the

dataset. The dataset should be availeable shortly after the completion of

the doublecheck effort.

To be completed...

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